For \(T>0\text{,}\) put \(g_T(z) = \int_0^T f(t) e^{-zt}\,dt\text{;}\) each function \(g_T\) is entire, and we want \(\lim_{T \to \infty} g_T(0) = g(0)\text{.}\)
For \(R\) large (but fixed until further notice), let \(C\) be the boundary of the region
\{z \in \CC: |z| \leq R, \quad \Real(z) \geq -\delta\}
for some \(\delta = \delta(R) > 0\) chosen small enough that \(C\) lies inside the domain on which \(g\) is holomorphic. By the Cauchy integral theorem,
g(0) - g_T(0) = \frac{1}{2 \pi i} \int_C (g(z) - g_T(z)) e^{zT} \left(1 + \frac{z^2}{R^2} \right) \frac{dz}{z};\tag{2.4.2}
namely, the only pole of the integrand is a simple pole at \(z=0\text{,}\) so we simply pop out the residue there.
To bound the right side of
(2.4.2), we separate the contour of integration
\(C\) into
C_+ &= C \cap \{z \in \CC: \Real(z) \geq 0 \}\\
C_- &= C \cap \{z \in \CC: \Real(z) \leq 0 \}
Remember that we assumed \(f\) is bounded; choose \(B >0\) so that \(|f(t)| \leq B\) for all \(t\text{.}\) For \(\Real(z) > 0\) with \(|z| = R\text{,}\) we have
|g(z) - g_T(z)| &= \left|\int_T^\infty f(t) e^{-zt}\,dt\right|\\
&\leq B \int_T^\infty |e^{-zt}|\,dt\\
&= \frac{B e^{-\Real(z) T}}{\Real(z)}
\left| e^{zT} \left( 1 + \frac{z^2}{R^2} \right) \frac{1}{z} \right|
= e^{\Real(z) T} \frac{2 \Real(z)}{R^2}.
Since the length of the contour is at most
\(2 \pi R\text{,}\) the contribution over
\(C_+\) to
(2.4.2) is bounded in absolute value by
\frac{1}{2\pi} (2 \pi R) \frac{B e^{-\Real(z)T}}{\Real(z)}
e^{\Real(z) T} \frac{2 \Real(z)}{R^2} = \frac{2B}{R}.
Over \(C_-\text{,}\) we separate the integral into integrals involving \(g\) and \(g_T\text{.}\) Since \(g_T\) is entire, its integral over \(C_-\) can instead be calculated over the semicircle \(C'_- = \{z \in \CC: |z| = R, \Real(z) \leq 0\}\text{.}\) Since for \(\Real(z) < 0\) we have
|g_T(z)| &= \left|\int_0^T f(t) e^{-zt}\,dt\right|\\
&\leq B \int_{-\infty}^T |e^{-zt}|\,dt\\
&= \frac{B e^{-\Real(z) T}}{|\Real(z)|}
as above we bound this contribution to
(2.4.2) by
Finally, we consider the contribution to
(2.4.2) from
\(g\) over
\(C_-\text{;}\) we are going to show that this contribution tends to 0 as
\(T \to\infty\text{.}\) By parametrizing the contour, we can write
\frac{1}{2 \pi i} \int_{C_-} g(z) e^{zT} \left(
1 + \frac{z^2}{R^2} \right) \frac{dz}{z} = \int_0^1 a(u) e^{b(u)T}\,du,
where \(a(u)\) and \(b(u)\) are continuous, and \(\Real(b(u)) < 0\) for \(0 < u < 1\text{;}\) the key point is that \(a\) does not depend on \(T\text{,}\) so as \(T \to \infty\) the integrand tends to 0 pointwise except at the endpoints. Since the integrands are all bounded, Lebesgue's dominated convergence theorem implies that the integral tends to 0 as \(T \to \infty\text{.}\) (Again, I'm being more explicit with the analysis than I will be in general.)
We conclude that
\limsup_{T \to \infty} |g(0) - g_T(0)| \leq \frac{4B}{R};
since \(R\) can be chosen arbitrarily large, this yields the desired result.