Curriculum Vitae: Kiran Sridhara Kedlaya
All chronological lists sorted in reverse order; when an item corresponds to multiple dates, I sort using the most recent start date (and in case of a tie, the most recent end date, and in case of a further tie, alphabetically).
I also maintain a PDF version, but I don't promise to keep the two in sync. If you need a very current PDF version, please contact me directly.
This file last modified Tuesday, 04-Feb-2025 22:57:00 CST.
The following are not included because they occur elsewhere on my web site: contact information, list of publications and preprints, talks given, advised projects.Employment and education
Ph.D. | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Mathematics), 2000. |
Visiting student, University of California, Berkeley, fall 1997. | |
M.A. | Princeton University (Mathematics), 1997. |
A.B. | Harvard University (Mathematics and Physics), 1996. |
Budapest Semesters in Mathematics, spring 1994. |
Principal employment
University of California San Diego | 2011-current: Professor (currently Step VI). |
2009-2011: Associate Professor. | |
Institute of Advanced Study (Princeton) | 2018-2019: Visiting Professor. |
2003 (fall): postdoctoral member. | |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 2009-2012: Associate Professor (with tenure). |
2007-2009: Associate Professor (without tenure). | |
2003-2007: Assistant Professor. | |
University of California, Berkeley | 2001 (fall)-2002 (fall): Visiting Assistant Professor. |
National Science Foundation | 2000-2003: Postdoctoral Fellow. |
Other appointments
Includes visiting positions, research programs, summer positions, and consulting arrangements.Center for Communications Research (Princeton/La Jolla) | 1996-present: adjunct researcher (consultant). |
1996 (summer), 1998 (summer): SCAMP researcher. | |
Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (Providence) | 2026 (fall): organizer of semester program "Computation on K3 surfaces and related varieties". |
2015 (fall): organizer of semester program "Computational aspects of the Langlands program". | |
Bernoulli Center (EPFL, Lausanne) | 2025 (spring): research member in program "Arithmetic geometry of K3 surfaces". |
Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton) | 2023-2024: research member in program "p-adic arithmetic geometry" (sabbatical plus Simons Fellowship). |
2009-2010: research member (externally funded). | |
Hausdorff Research Institute in Mathematics (Bonn) | 2023 (summer): research member in program "The arithmetic of the Langlands program" (rescheduled from 2020 due to COVID-19). |
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (SLMath, Berkeley) | 2023 (spring): research member in program "Diophantine geometry". |
2019 (spring): research member in program "Derived algebraic geometry". | |
2014 (fall): research professor in program "New geometric methods in number theory and automorphic forms". | |
2011 (spring): research member in program "Arithmetic statistics". | |
2000 (fall): postdoctoral fellow (externally funded) in program "Algorithmic number theory". | |
Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences (IM PAN, Warsaw) | 2018 (September): research member in Simons Semesters program "Varieties: arithmetic and transformations". |
Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (Los Angeles) | 2014 (spring): senior participant in program "Algebraic techniques for combinatorial and computational geometry". |
Université de Rennes, 1 | 2002 (May-June), 2003 (June): professeur invité. |
Clay Mathematics Institute | 2000 (summer): Liftoffs fellow. |
AT&T Labs Research | 1997 (summer): intern. |
National Security Agency | 1995 (summer): Director's Summer Program. |
University of Minnesota, Duluth | 1994 (summer): summer research program (REU). |
Center for Computing Sciences | 1992-1994 (summers): intern. |
Grants and honors
Grants and fellowships
NSF grant "Global cohomological approaches to L-functions", 2024-2027 (DMS-2401536).NSF grant "ANTS XVI: Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium 2024", 2024-25 (DMS-2401305; lead PI Drew Sutherland).
Simons Fellowship in Mathematics, 2023-2024.
NSF grant "Pomona Research in Mathematics Experience", 2022-2024 (advisory board; lead PI Edray Goins).
NSF grant "p-adic Computation of L-functions at Scale", 2021-2024 (DMS-2053473).
NSF grant "ANTS XIV: Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium 2020", 2020-2023 (DMS-1946311; lead PI John Voight).
NSF grant "Arizona Winter School in Arithmetic Geometry", 2019-2022 (DMS-1903892; advisory board; lead PI Bryden Cais).
NSF grant "Local-Global Principles in Arithmetic", 2018-2021 (DMS-1844206; nominal lead PI; co-PI Ila Varma).
NSF grant "Nonarchimean Analysis, Geometry, and Computation", 2018-2021 (DMS-1802161).
NSF grant "Undergraduate Teaching in Mathematics with Open Software and Textbooks", 2018-2022 (DMS-1821706 et al.; advisory board; lead PI Robert Beezer).
IAS Visiting Professorship, 2018-2019.
Simons Collaboration: Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory, and Computation, 2017-2021 (associated scientist; lead PI Brendan Hassett).
UCSD Course Development and Instructional Improvement Program, 2017-2018.
NSF grant "UTMOST: Undergraduate Teaching in Mathematics with Open Software and Textbooks", 2016-2018 (DMS-1626455 et al.; advisory board; lead PI Robert Beezer).
NSF grant "RTG: Research Training Group in Algebra, Algebraic Geometry, and Number Theory", 2015-2020 (DMS-1502651; co-PI; lead PI Elham Izadi).
NSF grant "Arizona Winter School in Arithmetic Geometry", 2015-2018 (DMS-1504537; advisory board; lead PI Bryden Cais).
NSF grant "Applications and extensions of p-adic Hodge theory", 2015-2018 (DMS-1501214).
Guggenheim Fellowship, 2015.
Clay Math Institute Research Scholarship, 2013-2014.
NSF grant "Southwest Center for Arithmetic Geometry", 2013-2016 (DMS-1161523; advisory board; lead PI Romyar Sharifi).
Grants for ANTS-X (Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium): NSF, DMS-1156412; NSA, H98230-12-1-0280; Microsoft Research; Number Theory Foundation.
NSF grant "Computational methods in arithmetic geometry", 2011-2014 (DMS-1115455; nominal lead PI, co-PI Andrew Sutherland).
NSF grant "Between ordinary and p-adic Hodge theory", 2011-2014 (DMS-1101343).
NSF CCLI Type 2 grant "UTMOST: Undergraduate Teaching in Mathematics with Open Software and Textbooks", 2010-2013 (DUE-1022574).
UC San Diego Warschawski endowed chair, 2009-2029.
DARPA grant "Absolute algebraic geometry, arithmetic cohomology, and the Riemann hypothesis", 2009-2014 (HR0011-09-1-0048).
Cecil and Ida Green Career Development Professorship (MIT), 2008-2011.
NEC Research Support Fund (MIT), 2008.
Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, 2006-2008.
NSF Faculty Early Career (CAREER) grant "Cohomological methods in algebraic geometry and number theory", 2006-2011 (DMS-0545904).
NSF continuing grant "p-adic cohomology and applications", 2004-2007 (DMS-0400727).
NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, 2000-2003 (DMS-0071597).
Clay Mathematics Institute Liftoffs fellowship, 2000.
National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate fellowship, 1996-1999.
Hertz Foundation research grant, 1996-1997.
Other awards and honors
AMS Fellow, 2013.Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), 2006.
Sigma Xi: elected, 2000.
MIT Dept. of Mathematics: Charles W. and Jennifer C. Johnson Prize (co-winner), 2000.
ACM Collegiate Programming Competition: 2nd place team, 1996; 4th place team, 1995.
Putnam Fellow, 1993, 1994, 1995.
Phi Beta Kappa: elected, fall 1995.
Morgan Prize for undergraduate research: honorable mention, 1995.
USA Mathematical Olympiad: 1st place, 1990, 1992; 3rd place, 1991.
International Mathematical Olympiad: gold medal, 1990, 1992; silver medal, 1991.
Westinghouse Science Talent Search: finalist, 1992.
Professional service
Seminars and other departmental activities
Math 197 internships (UCSD) | Department coordinator, 2024-25. |
Diversity, equity, and inclusion committee (UCSD) | Member, 2021-23, 2024-25. |
Major advising (UCSD) | Faculty advisor, Math-CS degree program, 2019-23, 2024-25. |
Number theory seminar (UCSD) | Organizer, 2021-22. |
Course assignments (UCSD) | Area coordinator (algebra/number theory), 2014-16, 2017-18. |
Qualifying Exam and Appeals Committee (UCSD) | Member, 2014-16. |
Qualifying exam syllabus committee (UCSD) | Member, 2013-14. |
Hiring committee (UCSD) | Member, 2012-13, 2016-17, 2019-20; chair, 2013-14. |
Graduate admissions (MIT) | Evaluated department applicants: 2004-07. |
Joint Mathematics Colloquium (Harvard, MIT, Brandeis, Northeastern) | MIT organizer, 2005-06 (with Jason Starr), 2006-09 (with Denis Auroux). |
Harvard-MIT Algebraic Geometry Seminar | MIT organizer, 2005-06 (with Jason Starr), 2006-07 (with Izzet Coskun), 2007-09 (with James McKernan). |
MIT Number Theory Seminar | Founder and organizer (with Ben Brubaker), 2007-09. |
MIT STAGE (Seminar on Topics in Arithmetic, Geometry, etc.) | Founder and organizer, 2004-09. |
MIT BAGS (Baby Algebraic Geometry Seminar) | Founder and organizer (with Ravi Vakil), 1999-2000. |
Putnam competition (MIT) | MIT co-organizer (with Hartley Rogers and Richard Stanley), 2007-2009 (and before that unofficially). |
University-level service (all at UCSD)
Divisional DEI committee | Member, 2022-23 (fall and spring only). |
Editorial and review activities
Algebra and Number Theory | Editorial board member, 2015-19. |
American Mathematical Monthly | Problems section, collaborating editor, 1999-2005. |
Boston College | Mathematics department external review committee, 2024. |
Boston University | Mathematics department external review committee, 2013. |
Guggenheim Foundation | Reader for fellowship applications in mathematics, 2017-19, 2020-22. |
International Mathematics Research Notices | Corresponding editor, 2004-15. |
L-Functions and Modular Forms Database | Managing editor, 2012-18; associate editor, 2018-present. |
Mathematical Association of America | Problem Books series, American Mathematics Competitions subseries, editorial board, 2004-07. |
Nagoya Mathematical Journal | Associate editor, 2014-15; editor (full member of editorial board), 2016-present. |
refereeing (journals) | Refereed articles for Amer. Math. Monthly, Annals of Math., Asian J. Math., Bull. Soc. Math. France, Comment. Math. Helvet., Compos. Math., Doc. Math., Duke Math. J., Exper. Math., Fibon. Quart., Found. Comp. Math., Indag. Math., Intl. Math. Res. Notices, J. Combin. Th. Ser. A, J. Eur. Math. Soc., J. Graph Th., J. Number Th., J. reine angew. Math., Lin. Alg. and Appl., Math. Annalen, Math. Comp., Math. Mag., Proc. London Math. Soc. |
refereeing (conference proceedings) | Refereed articles for conferences ANTS V, ANTS VI, ANTS X, ANTS XI. |
reviewing (books) | Reviewed books for Birkhäuser/Springer. |
reviewing (grants) | Reviewed proposals for National Security Agency. |
thesis committees as external member (at UCSD) | CSE: Keegan Ryan (advanced 2024), Adam Suhl (advanced 2024) |
thesis committees as external member (not at UCSD) |
2022: thesis exam committee of Ali Partofard (IPM, Tehran).
2022: dissertation of Yassine El Maazouz (Berkeley). 2022: masters examiner of Ivan Diklich-Zelich (Australian Nat. U.) 2020: dissertation of Yupeng Wang (Beijing). 2020: habilitation of Veronika Ertl (Regensburg). 2017: dissertation of Harpreet Bedi (George Washington U.). 2015: dissertation of Tristan Vaccon (Rennes). 2015: dissertation of Franziska Wutz (Regensburg). 2014: habilitation of Andrea Pulita (Montpellier). 2013: habilitation of Jérôme Poineau (Strasbourg). 2013: dissertation of Robert Burko (Toronto). 2012: dissertation of Jérémy Le Borgne (Paris). 2008: habilitation of Daniel Caro (Paris). 2007: dissertation of Makis Dousmanis (Brandeis). |
Organization of conferences/meetings/workshops
Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (Providence) | Organizer of semester program "Computation on K3 surfaces and related varieties", 2026 (with Jen Berg, Paola Comparin, Kristin DeVleming, Dino Festi, Adam Logan, Alessandra Sarti, Cecília Salgado, Anthony Várilly-Alvarado). |
Program committee of workshop "LuCaNT: LMFDB, Computation, and Number Theory", 2025 (with John Cremona, John Jones, Jen Paulhus, Andrew Sutherland, John Voight, et al.). | |
Program committee of workshop "LuCaNT: LMFDB, Computation, and Number Theory", 2023 (with John Cremona, John Jones, Jen Paulhus, Andrew Sutherland, John Voight, et al.). | |
Organizer of semester program "Computational Aspects of the Langlands Program", 2015 (with Alina Bucur, Brian Conrey, David Farmer, John Jones, Michael Rubinstein, Holly Swisher, John Voight). | |
Organizer of workshop "Modular Forms and Curves of Low Genus: Computational Aspects", 2015 (with John Cremona, Kristin Lauter, Ralf Schmidt, Joseph Silverman). | |
NZMS/AustMS/AMS | Organizer of special session "Arithmetic geometry and number theory" (with Brendan Creutz and John Voight), 2024. |
Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium | Organizer (with Jennifer Balakrishnan, Drew Sutherland, and John Voight), 2024. |
Steering committee, 2012-2022; vice chair of same, 2019-2020; chair of same, 2020-2022. | |
Local organizer (at UC San Diego) and co-chair of program committee (with Everett Howe), 2012. | |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Organizer of workshop Hypergeometric Motives, 2024 (with Edgar Costa, David Roe, John Voight). |
IAS | Organizer of research seminar in special year on p-adic geometry (with Akhil Mathew), fall 2023. |
CIRM (Luminy) | Scientific committee of conference "Symposium on Arithmetic Geometry and its Applications", 2023 (with Jennifer Balakrishnan, Mike Bennett, Martin Bright, Tim Dokchitser, Rachel Pries, Cecilia Salgado, Lejla Smajlovic, Peter Stevenhagen, Sarah Zerbes). |
Scientific committee of conference "Spring school in Arithmetic Statistics", 2023 (with Elisa Lorenzo Garcia, Jan Vonk). | |
Università degli Studi di Padova | Organizer of conference "Around p-adic cohomologies", 2022 (with Francesco Baldassarri et al.). |
University of Arizona | Organizer of Arizona Winter Semester "Virtual School in Number Theory", 2021 (with Alina Bucur, Bryden Cais, and David Zureick-Brown). |
Organizer of Arizona Winter School "Nonabelian Chabauty", 2020 (with Brandon Levin and David Zureick-Brown). | |
Organizer of Arizona Winter School "Topology and Arithmetic", 2019 (with Hang Xue and David Zureick-Brown). | |
Organizer of Arizona Winter School "Perfectoid Spaces", 2017 (with Bryden Cais). | |
Lebesgue Centre, Université de Rennes | Scientific committee of conference "The p-adic Langlands correspondence: a constructive and algorithmic approach", 2019 (with Jean-Marc Couveignes, Ariane Mézard, Sandra Rozensztajn). |
American Institute of Mathematics | Organizer of conference "Connections in the LMFDB", 2019 (with Alina Bucur). |
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro | Organizer of conference "2018 ICM satellite conference in Number Theory", 2018 (with Henri Darmon, Fred Diamond, Aftab Pande, Richard Taylor, Marie-France Vigneras). |
University of Vermont | Organizer of conference "Witt Vectors, Deformations, and Absolute Geometry", 2018 (with Taylor Dupuy, Lars Hesselholt, Thomas Scanlon, Christelle Vincent). |
Université de Caen | Scientific committee of conference "Journées Arithmétiques", 2017 (with Hélène Esnault, David Harari, Michael Harris, Kaisa Matomäki, Philippe Michel, Hee Oh, Jonathan Pila, Jérôme Poineau, Tamar Ziegler). |
Banff International Research Station | Organizer of workshop "p-adic Cohomology and Arithmetic Applications", 2017 (with Tomoyuki Abe, Ambrus Pál, Christopher Lazda). |
Organizer of workshop "Arithmetic Aspects of Explicit Moduli Problems", 2017 (with Nils Bruin, Samir Siksek, John Voight). | |
MFO (Oberwolfach) | Organizer of graduate seminar "Perfectoid spaces", 2016 (with Rebecca Bellovin, Brian Conrad, Jared Weinstein). |
UC San Diego | Organizer of Southern California Number Theory Day, 2011, 2012, 2015-2017, 2020, 2022 (with Alina Bucur, Daniel Kane, Aaron Pollack, Cristian Popescu, Claus Sorensen). |
Organizer of conference "Stark's Conjectures and Related Topics", 2013 (with Alina Bucur, Cristian Popescu). | |
Organizer of workshop "p-adics in Sage" (Sage Days 36), 2012 (with David Roe, William Stein). | |
American Mathematical Society | Session organizer, Summer Research Institute in Algebraic Geometry, 2015. |
Special session organizer, Joint Meetings, 2013 (with Alina Bucur). | |
Session organizer, Summer Research Institute in Algebraic Geometry, 2005. | |
University of California, Berkeley | Organizer of conference "p-adic methods in number theory: A Conference Inspired by the Mathematics of Robert Coleman", 2015 (with Matt Baker, Emiliano Gomez, Ken McMurdy, Ken Ribet, Richard Taylor, and Annette Werner). |
Organizer of conference "Witt vectors and differential algebra", 2015 (with Jim Borger, Taylor Dupuy, and Tom Scanlon). | |
University of Washington | Organizer of conference "Sage Education Days", 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014. |
University of New Mexico | Organizer of conference "Witt vectors in arithmetic, geometry, and topology", 2012 (with Jim Borger, Alexandru Buium, Lars Hesselholt, Lance Miller). |
Nagoya University | Organizer of workshop "Witt vectors, foliations, and absolute de Rham cohomology", 2010 (with James Borger, Lars Hesselholt). |
Centre de Recherches Mathématiques (Montréal) | Organizer of workshop "Counting Points: Theory, Algorithms, and Practice", 2010 (with Jean-François Mestre). |
Oxford University | Organizer of workshop "Effective methods in p-adic cohomology", 2010 (with Alan Lauder). |
Clay Mathematics Institute | Organizer for workshop "Computations related to the Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture" (Sage Days 18), 2009 (with Craig Citro, Barry Mazur, William Stein). |
Organizer for workshop "Computational Arithmetic Geometry" (SAGE Days 5), 2007 (with William Stein). | |
American Institute of Mathematics | Organizer for workshop "L-functions and modular forms", 2007 (with Michael Rubinstein, Nathan Ryan, Nils-Peter Skoruppa, and William Stein). |
Organizer for workshop "p-adic representations, modularity, and beyond", 2006 (with David Savitt). | |
Mathematical Association of America | 2006 Joint Meetings program committee, 2004-2005. |
Budapest Semesters in Mathematics | 2005 reunion conference program committee, 2004-2005. |
IMO 2001 USA | Executive Committee member-at-large, 1998-2002. Also served as Assistant Chief Coordinator, and as a member of the Problem Committee. |
Other committees, boards, panels
American Mathematical Society | Executive Committee member, 2023-2027 (elected position). Also served on EC bylaws task force, 2023-2025; and ECBT Notices ad-hoc committee, 2024-2025. |
AMS Council member at large, 2021-2024 (elected position). Membership extended by election to Executive Committee (see above). | |
Committee on Publications, 2021-2024; co-chair, 2022-2023. Also served on CPub book review subcommittee, 2022-2023; and CPub panel subcommittee (as chair), 2024-2025. | |
Search committee, Chief Editor of the Bulletin of the AMS, 2021. | |
Search committee, Chief Editor of the Notices of the AMS, 2022-2023. | |
Art of Problem Solving Initiative | Board of Directors member, 2004-present. (This includes governance of Bridge to Enter Advanced Mathematics.) | (JHU-CTY) | Advisory Board member, 2005-2007. |
Committee on the American Mathematics Competitions (MAA) | AMS representative to the CAMC, 2007-2010. |
USAMO Subcommittee, 1998-2001, 2005-2008, 2015-2017. | |
Advisory Panel (as USAMO contributor), 1994-1997, 2002-2004. | |
USA IMO team deputy leader, 1996, 1999. | |
Guggenheim Foundation | Fellowship reviewer in mathematics, 2017-2022. |
Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics (UCLA) | Science Advisory Board member, 2023-2027. |
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (UC Berkeley) | MSRI-Simons postdoctoral fellowship committee, 2021-2022. |
National Science Foundation | Grant review panelist: 2007, 2009, 2011, 2016, 2018. |
Pro Mathematica Arte | Board of Directors: 2013-present; Chair, 2018-present. (This includes governance of Budapest Semesters in Mathematics and Budapest Semesters in Mathematics Education.) |
Other service activities
AwesomeMath (summer program) | Guest lecturer, 2006. |
Bay Area Math Adventures | Guest lecturer, 2012. |
Berkeley Math Circle | Instructor, 2000-2003. Also contributed to Bay Area Math Olympiad. |
Canada/USA Mathcamp | Guest lecturer, several occasions (most recent: 2012). |
International Science and Engineering Fair | Mathematics judge, 2001. |
Postdoctoral level (mentoring)
UCSD | 2022-25: Christian Klevdal |
2022-24: Shishir Agrawal | |
2020-23: James Upton | |
2020-22: Brandon Alberts (joint with Alina Bucur) | |
2015-18, 2021-22: Anne Toulson Carter | |
MSRI | fall 2014: Hansheng Diao |
MIT | 2007-10: Junecue Suh |
Graduate level (advising)
PhD theses |
in progress at UCSD: Poornima B., Nik Castro, Dimitri dine, Toren D'Nelly-Warady, JJ Garzella, Yongyuan Huang, Alex Mathers, Shubhankar Sahai, Jianxiang Tan, Nathan Wenger, Chris Xu 2024: Zongze Liu (UCSD), "Adic Sheafiness of Ainf Witt Vectors over Perfectoid Rings" 2024: Baiming Qiao (UCSD), "Chabauty-Kim method and its applications" 2024: Zeyu Liu (UCSD), "Prismatic crystals over O_K" 2023: Jun Bo Lau (UCSD), "p-adic integration on modular curves and code-based cryptography" 2022: Thomas Grubb (UCSD), "Structural and statistical consequences of the closed point sieve" 2022: Mingjie Chen (UCSD), "Arithmetic of algebraic curves" 2021: Xin Tong (UCSD), "Geometric and representation theoretic aspects of p-adic motives" 2020: Peter Wear (UCSD), "Perfectoid spaces and the weight-monodromy conjecture for abelian varieties" 2019: Zonglin Jiang (UCSD), "Nonarchimedean analysis and GAGA" 2016: Shaunak Das (UCSD), "Vector bundles on perfectoid spaces" 2014: Ryan Rodriguez (UCSD), "Preperfectoid algebras" 2011: Jennifer Balakrishnan (MIT), "Coleman integration for hyperelliptic curves: algorithms and applications" 2009: Christopher Davis (MIT), "The overconvergent de Rham-Witt complex" 2009: Liang Xiao (MIT), "Nonarchimedean differential modules and ramification theory" 2008: Ruochuan Liu (MIT), "On the slope filtration of phi-modules over the Robba ring" |
Visiting students | 2005-6: Christian Kappen (Münster) |
Post-candidacy registration advising | 2011: Fukuhiro Ueda (formerly Fucheng Tan; MIT) |
Undergraduate level or lower
MIT academic advising | 2007-2009 |
Undergraduate thesis |
spring 2006: Steven Sivek (computer science,
joint with William Stein) |
MIT UROP (undergrad research) |
summer 2009: Krishanu Sankar
summer 2008: Hansheng Diao, Philip Tynan winter 2008: Hansheng Diao fall 2007: Xuancheng Shao summer 2006: Anand Deopurkar; Daniel Gulotta spring 2006: Andre Wibisono; Po-Ning Chen summer 2005: Tim Abbott, David Roe spring 2005: Kyungmin Kim spring 2004: Punya Biswal |
Provided problems for high school/undergraduate research: 2006, 2007. Judged SPUR final presentations: 2006. |
PROMYS-CMI Research Labs | Served as a mentor (provider/supporter of a research problem): 2006, 2020. |
CalBridge | Mentored one CSU undergraduate: 2023-25. |
Other | Provided problems to Joe Gallian's REU. |
Projects supported
Via NSF grant DMS-0400727:- Harvard-MIT Algebraic Geometry Seminar, 2006-2007 academic year.
- The Teacher's Circle, 2006-2007 academic year.
Tim Abbott, Jeffrey Achter, Annie Carter, Jennifer Balakrishnan, Grzegorz Banaszak, Manjul Bhargava, Robert Bradshaw, Alina Bucur, Joe Buhler, Paul-Jean Cahen, Jean-Luc Chabert, Mingjie Chen, Edgar Costa, Chris Davis, Toren D'Nelly-Warady, Vladimir Drinfeld, Taylor Dupuy, Daniel Erman, Francesc Fité, Daniel Gulotta, Robert Guralnick, David Harvey, David Hansen, Yongyuan Huang, Jake Huryn, Daniel Kane, Jonathan Kane, Minhyong Kim, Sasha Kolpakov, Jun Bo Lau, Daniel Litt, Ruochuan Liu, Anna Medvedovsky, Lenhard Ng, Evan O'Dorney, Jay Pottharst, Bjorn Poonen, Jim Propp, Pavlo Pylyavskyy, Michael Rubinstein, David Roe, Víctor Rotger, Stefan Patrikis, Fernando Xuancheng Shao, Andrew Sutherland, Michael Temkin, Jan Tuitman, Philip Tynan, Chris Umans, Ravi Vakil, Christelle Vincent, Jakub Witaszek, Melanie Matchett Wood, Liang Xiao, Sergey Yekhanin, Gergely Zábrádi, David Zureick-Brown.Software contributions
I have contributed various bits of code to the Sage computer algebra project. Sage is open-source, all contributions are peer-reviewed, and the review process is documented on Sage's trac server.
I am a contributor to the L-Functions and Modular Forms Database project (LMFDB).
Competition problems
I am the proposer of the following competition problems.
- From the USA Mathematical Olympiad: 1993/2, 1994/5, 1996/4, 1997/2, 1997/3, 1998/6, 1999/1, 2000/5, 2001/1, 2002/6, 2004/2 (with Lenny Ng), 2005/5, 2006/1, 2007/6 (with Sungyoon Kim), 2008/5, 2009/2, 2010/2 (with David Speyer and Travis Schedler), 2016/2, 2020/6 (with David Speyer).
- From the Putnam Competition: 2014/A2, 2014/B4 (with David Speyer), 2014/B6.
- From the USA IMO Team Selection Test: 2000/3, 2000/5, 2002/2, 2002/4 (with David Savitt), 2004/6 (with Daniel Kane), 2005/5, 2007/2, 2009/8.
- From the IMO short lists: 2003/A1 (with Amit Khetan).
- From the Bay Area Math Olympiad: 2002/5.
I have also served as a grader for the USA Mathematical Olympiad and the Putnam, and as a coordinator for the International Mathematical Olympiad and the Cyberspace Mathematical Competition.