Curriculum Vitae: Kiran Sridhara Kedlaya

All chronological lists sorted in reverse order; when an item corresponds to multiple dates, I sort using the most recent start date (and in case of a tie, the most recent end date, and in case of a further tie, alphabetically).

I also maintain a PDF version, but I don't promise to keep the two in sync. If you need a very current PDF version, please contact me directly.

This file last modified Tuesday, 04-Feb-2025 22:57:00 CST.


The following are not included because they occur elsewhere on my web site: contact information, list of publications and preprints, talks given, advised projects.

Employment and education


Principal employment

Other appointments

Includes visiting positions, research programs, summer positions, and consulting arrangements.

Grants and honors

Grants and fellowships

NSF grant "Global cohomological approaches to L-functions", 2024-2027 (DMS-2401536).
NSF grant "ANTS XVI: Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium 2024", 2024-25 (DMS-2401305; lead PI Drew Sutherland).
Simons Fellowship in Mathematics, 2023-2024.
NSF grant "Pomona Research in Mathematics Experience", 2022-2024 (advisory board; lead PI Edray Goins).
NSF grant "p-adic Computation of L-functions at Scale", 2021-2024 (DMS-2053473).
NSF grant "ANTS XIV: Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium 2020", 2020-2023 (DMS-1946311; lead PI John Voight).
NSF grant "Arizona Winter School in Arithmetic Geometry", 2019-2022 (DMS-1903892; advisory board; lead PI Bryden Cais).
NSF grant "Local-Global Principles in Arithmetic", 2018-2021 (DMS-1844206; nominal lead PI; co-PI Ila Varma).
NSF grant "Nonarchimean Analysis, Geometry, and Computation", 2018-2021 (DMS-1802161).
NSF grant "Undergraduate Teaching in Mathematics with Open Software and Textbooks", 2018-2022 (DMS-1821706 et al.; advisory board; lead PI Robert Beezer).
IAS Visiting Professorship, 2018-2019.
Simons Collaboration: Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory, and Computation, 2017-2021 (associated scientist; lead PI Brendan Hassett).
UCSD Course Development and Instructional Improvement Program, 2017-2018.
NSF grant "UTMOST: Undergraduate Teaching in Mathematics with Open Software and Textbooks", 2016-2018 (DMS-1626455 et al.; advisory board; lead PI Robert Beezer).
NSF grant "RTG: Research Training Group in Algebra, Algebraic Geometry, and Number Theory", 2015-2020 (DMS-1502651; co-PI; lead PI Elham Izadi).
NSF grant "Arizona Winter School in Arithmetic Geometry", 2015-2018 (DMS-1504537; advisory board; lead PI Bryden Cais).
NSF grant "Applications and extensions of p-adic Hodge theory", 2015-2018 (DMS-1501214).
Guggenheim Fellowship, 2015.
Clay Math Institute Research Scholarship, 2013-2014.
NSF grant "Southwest Center for Arithmetic Geometry", 2013-2016 (DMS-1161523; advisory board; lead PI Romyar Sharifi).
Grants for ANTS-X (Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium): NSF, DMS-1156412; NSA, H98230-12-1-0280; Microsoft Research; Number Theory Foundation.
NSF grant "Computational methods in arithmetic geometry", 2011-2014 (DMS-1115455; nominal lead PI, co-PI Andrew Sutherland).
NSF grant "Between ordinary and p-adic Hodge theory", 2011-2014 (DMS-1101343).
NSF CCLI Type 2 grant "UTMOST: Undergraduate Teaching in Mathematics with Open Software and Textbooks", 2010-2013 (DUE-1022574).
UC San Diego Warschawski endowed chair, 2009-2029.
DARPA grant "Absolute algebraic geometry, arithmetic cohomology, and the Riemann hypothesis", 2009-2014 (HR0011-09-1-0048).
Cecil and Ida Green Career Development Professorship (MIT), 2008-2011.
NEC Research Support Fund (MIT), 2008.
Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, 2006-2008.
NSF Faculty Early Career (CAREER) grant "Cohomological methods in algebraic geometry and number theory", 2006-2011 (DMS-0545904).
NSF continuing grant "p-adic cohomology and applications", 2004-2007 (DMS-0400727).
NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, 2000-2003 (DMS-0071597).
Clay Mathematics Institute Liftoffs fellowship, 2000.
National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate fellowship, 1996-1999.
Hertz Foundation research grant, 1996-1997.

Other awards and honors

AMS Fellow, 2013.
Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), 2006.
Sigma Xi: elected, 2000.
MIT Dept. of Mathematics: Charles W. and Jennifer C. Johnson Prize (co-winner), 2000.
ACM Collegiate Programming Competition: 2nd place team, 1996; 4th place team, 1995.
Putnam Fellow, 1993, 1994, 1995.
Phi Beta Kappa: elected, fall 1995.
Morgan Prize for undergraduate research: honorable mention, 1995.
USA Mathematical Olympiad: 1st place, 1990, 1992; 3rd place, 1991.
International Mathematical Olympiad: gold medal, 1990, 1992; silver medal, 1991.
Westinghouse Science Talent Search: finalist, 1992.

Professional service

Seminars and other departmental activities

University-level service (all at UCSD)

Editorial and review activities

Organization of conferences/meetings/workshops

Other committees, boards, panels

Other service activities


Postdoctoral level (mentoring)

Graduate level (advising)

Note: at MIT, a registration advisor is a faculty member who performs only formal advising functions; after candidacy, this only occurs if the student has a thesis advisor outside MIT.

Undergraduate level or lower

Projects supported

Via NSF grant DMS-0400727: Via NSF CAREER grant (DMS-0545904):



Tim Abbott, Jeffrey Achter, Annie Carter, Jennifer Balakrishnan, Grzegorz Banaszak, Manjul Bhargava, Robert Bradshaw, Alina Bucur, Joe Buhler, Paul-Jean Cahen, Jean-Luc Chabert, Mingjie Chen, Edgar Costa, Chris Davis, Toren D'Nelly-Warady, Vladimir Drinfeld, Taylor Dupuy, Daniel Erman, Francesc Fité, Daniel Gulotta, Robert Guralnick, David Harvey, David Hansen, Yongyuan Huang, Jake Huryn, Daniel Kane, Jonathan Kane, Minhyong Kim, Sasha Kolpakov, Jun Bo Lau, Daniel Litt, Ruochuan Liu, Anna Medvedovsky, Lenhard Ng, Evan O'Dorney, Jay Pottharst, Bjorn Poonen, Jim Propp, Pavlo Pylyavskyy, Michael Rubinstein, David Roe, Víctor Rotger, Stefan Patrikis, Fernando Xuancheng Shao, Andrew Sutherland, Michael Temkin, Jan Tuitman, Philip Tynan, Chris Umans, Ravi Vakil, Christelle Vincent, Jakub Witaszek, Melanie Matchett Wood, Liang Xiao, Sergey Yekhanin, Gergely Zábrádi, David Zureick-Brown.

Software contributions

I have contributed various bits of code to the Sage computer algebra project. Sage is open-source, all contributions are peer-reviewed, and the review process is documented on Sage's trac server.

I am a contributor to the L-Functions and Modular Forms Database project (LMFDB).

Competition problems

I am the proposer of the following competition problems.

I have also served as a grader for the USA Mathematical Olympiad and the Putnam, and as a coordinator for the International Mathematical Olympiad and the Cyberspace Mathematical Competition.