We first verify descent for a v-covering
in which we may assume both schemes are qcqs. We can then write
as a filtered limit of some finitely presented
-schemes, each of which is itself a v-covering, with affine transition maps; we may thus reduce to dealing with a finitely presented
-covering. By arguing as in
[106], Theorem 3.12, we may refine this covering by a composition of a quasicompact open covering with a proper surjective morphism. As descent for the former is immediate, we may further assume that
is proper surjective. In this case, we are in the usual setting of cohomological descent for étale cohomology. For this, we may assume that
is the spectrum of a strictly henselian local ring with closed point
By the proper base change theorem,
so we may check the claim after pulling back along
But the resulting map
has a section, so it satisfies descent for purely formal reasons. See
[21], Proposition 5.2 for more details.
To obtain descent for the arc-topology, as in the proof of
Theorem 21.1.7 we may use v-descent to reduce to a covering as in
Example 20.3.10 in which
is AIC. In this case,
is also AIC, so both
are strictly henselian with the same residue field. It follows that the functor in question takes the same values on
and takes the same values on
[21], Theorem 5.4.)