Let be the multiplicative map obtained by composing the constant lift with the quotient map It is customary to write the image of under as rather than
Suppose that is a valuation ring. If has characteristic then and there is nothing more to check; we may thus assume that has characteristic 0. Since is an integral domain, the -power map on is injective; hence for if and only if This in turn implies that is an integral domain (if then ) and that the principal ideals of are totally ordered with respect to inclusion (if is divisible by then the ratio admits a coherent sequence of -power roots and so is itself in the image of ). Hence is a valuation ring.
Conversely, suppose that
is a valuation ring. Again, we may assume that
is an integral domain, we may apply
Exercise 8.5.3 to deduce that
-torsion-free. Since
is a local ring, so are
and its quotient
as per
Lemma 8.2.3.
We need to show that given any two nonzero elements one is a multiple of the other. By dividing by powers of as needed, we may reduce to the case where and have nonzero images in and hence in Since is a valuation ring, after possibly swapping terms we can write for some Similarly, we can write for some Since is classically -complete, is a unit in hence is divisible by as then is Consequently, is also divisible by as desired.