[18], Lecture IV. The theory of perfectoid fields, rings, and spaces has been described in numerous sources; instead of recapping this history here, see [81] (especially Remark 2.3.18).
In Section 7, we showed that a perfect prism can be recovered from the ring . Here, we study the rings of this form in more detail. These end up being closely related to perfectoid rings, which appear frequently in -adic Hodge theory; however, we will not use too much of the existing theory of perfectoid rings, and in fact we will end up recovering some of it via a different approach.
A lens is a ring which occurs as the slice of some perfect prism. We define the category of lenses to be the full subcategory of consisting of lenses; by Theorem 7.3.5, the slice functor from perfect prisms to lenses is an equivalence of categories.
Take with . The lens is isomorphic to the -adic completion of via a map with . The prism is isomorphic to the prism from Example 5.1.6 and is the coperfection of the prism from Example 5.1.4.
Take with . The lens is isomorphic to the -adic completion of via a map with . The prism is the coperfection of the prism from Example 5.1.5 in the special case .
While the terminology of tilting and untilting is now quite commonly used, our references to the category of lenses is highly nonstandard; in [22] and [25], objects of this category are called perfectoid rings. However, that usage is incompatible with most prior literature; in older terminology these would be integral perfectoid rings. To minimize confusion, we sidestep this issue by using a nonce terminology based on the metaphor of prisms.
A ring of characteristic is semiperfect if the Frobenius automorphism of is surjective. Note that is perfect if and only if it is both reduced and semiperfect.
There exists an element admitting a compatible system of -power roots, such that for some unit and the kernel of the Frobenius map on is generated by . (Note that is possible.)
The ideal is an increasing union of principal ideals and satisfies . (It is also flat as an -module; see Lemma 8.2.4.)
Let be the perfect prism with and let be the tilt. Then is perfect and , so is semiperfect. This proves (1).
For (2), apply Theorem 7.2.2 to write with a distinguished element. By Lemma 7.1.2, we have for some and some unit . We may then take to be the image of to obtain (2).
To check (3), we show that . Since the left side contains the right side, it suffices to observe that the quotient is itself perfect, and hence reduced.
To check (4), keep notation as above; it suffices to check that is killed by for each (since these elements generate ). To show that is killed by for some particular , note that neither nor is a zerodivisor in (by Lemma 7.1.2 and Theorem 7.2.2), so we may write
(see Exercise 8.5.3). By Lemma 6.4.3, the latter is annihilated by , as claimed. (Compare [18], Lecture IV, Lemma 2.6.)
With notation as in Lemma 8.2.3, the ideal is a flat -module.
We must check that for any , for all , or equivalently for all . By tensoring with the exact sequence
and using the fact that , we may further reduce to the case of a module which is -power torsion. By the compatibility of tensor products with colimits, we may reduce to the case of a module which is killed by some power of ; by devissage, we may further reduce to the case where is killed by .
Since is a non-zerodivisor in both and (Lemma 7.1.2),
Similarly, since is a non-zerodivisor in both and and ,
By Exercise 7.4.3, has Tor-dimension at most 1, proving the claim. (Compare [18], Lecture IV, Lemma 2.6.)
We can now give an intrinsic characterization of lenses, without reference to perfect prisms.
If is a lens, then all of the stated conditions follow directly from Theorem 7.2.2 and is semiperfect by Lemma 8.2.3. Conversely, suppose that these conditions hold; we will show that for , the pair is a perfect prism with . Since induces a surjective map mod , it is in fact surjective, so . The ring is classically -complete; we may check that it is classically -complete by checking that is classically -complete, which is straightforward.
At this point, we must show that admits a distinguished generator. To this end, choose lifting and put . The series expansion of has zero coefficient of ; since is a unit (because is -local), we deduce from Lemma 7.1.2 that is distinguished. Since is principal, we may apply Lemma 5.2.1 to deduce that is in fact a generator.
In the -torsion-free case we can make this description even simpler.
Suppose first that is a lens. In light of Proposition 8.2.5, we only need to check that is -normal. Take as in Lemma 8.2.3. Given with , let be the smallest nonnegative integer such that . If , then by writing
and using that the Frobenius map is a bijection, we see that and so , a contradiction. Hence and , as desired.
Conversely, suppose that the given conditions hold. It will suffice to show that the kernel of is principal, as then we can apply Proposition 8.2.5. We first show that the kernel of the (surjective) Frobenius map is generated by . Given with , write for some . Then and so .
Now the Frobenius on factors as where the first map is the canonical projection and the second map is an isomorphism. Since this composite is surjective, the image of in admits a compatible system of -power roots . By induction on , the kernel of on is generated by . Hence the kernel of is generated by the element of corresponding to the coherent sequence . Since both and are -torsion-free and classically -complete, the kernel of is generated by any element of the kernel lifting , and in particular is principal. (Compare [18], Lecture IV, Proposition 2.10.)
Crucially, Proposition 8.2.5 enables us to produce many lenses in cases where it is not so obvious how to give a direct construction of the corresponding perfect prism. In particular, we can make some prisms without specifying either a -ring structure or a Frobenius lift!
The field is complete for the topology induced by some nonarchimedean valuation with nondiscrete value group.
The valuation ring of has residue characteristic , and the ring is semiperfect.
By Lemma 8.3.3, the valuation ring of a perfectoid field is a lens. Its tilt is also the valuation ring of a perfectoid field (of characteristic ), denoted .
If is of characteristic , then is reduced and semiperfect, hence perfect. We thus assume hereafter that is characteristic 0; we may then check the conditions of Proposition 8.2.6.
It is clear that is classically -complete and -normal (since it is integrally closed), and by hypothesis is semiperfect. Since is not discretely valued, we can choose an element of positive valuation such that divides . Since is semiperfect, there exists such that ; put . Then and so is a unit in .
The following result generalizes the field of norms isomorphism of Fontaine and Wintenberger [52]. We will later give an independent “prismatic” proof; see Remark 23.1.2.
Theorem8.3.4.Tilting correspondence for perfectoid fields.
Let be a perfectoid field. Then for every finite extension of , is a perfectoid field and . Consequently, the categories of finite etale algebras over and are canonically isomorphic; in particular, the absolute Galois groups of and are isomorphic.
Most familiar examples of lenses are either -torsion-free or of characteristic . We can prove a result that shows that this accounts for all possibilities up to a “glueing” construction.
Let be a perfect -algebra. Let be a radical ideal of and let . Then and are both radical ideals and the square in Figure 8.4.2 is both a pullback square and a pushout square of commutative rings.
We first check that is radical. If with , then ; since is perfect, it follows that and so .
We next check that is radical. The ideal is the kernel of ; the target is a colimit of perfect rings and hence is itself perfect.
The square in question is already a pushout square at the level of groups, hence also at the level of rings. To check that it is a pullback square, we must check that . To this end, choose ; since we have , but since this implies and finally because is perfect.
Let be a perfect prism and put . Put ,,. Then are all lenses and the square in Figure 8.4.4 is both a pullback square and a pushout square of commutative rings.
We first show that the square is a pullback. By Theorem 7.2.2 we can write with distinguished. By Lemma 7.1.2 we can write with ,. Consider the perfect ideals and of the perfect ring . The square Figure 8.4.5 consists of -torsion-free, -adically complete rings and its reduction modulo is the pullback square from Figure 8.4.2; hence by devissage it is a pullback square.
Since is a non-zerodivisor in each of the rings in Figure 8.4.5 by Lemma 7.1.2, we may reduce modulo to get another pullback square (Figure 8.4.6). Let be the top right and bottom right entry of the new square.
Since both and are non-zerodivisors on , by Exercise 8.5.3 we have . The latter vanishes because the element of is a non-zerodivisor (by Lemma 6.4.2). We deduce that is -torsion-free, and so the surjection from the top row factors through . As in the previous paragraph, we may identify the bottom right entry with .
Let be the kernel of . Since Figure 8.4.6 is a pullback square, embeds into and hence is -torsion. Hence and so the induced map is injective. Since it is also surjective (because is) it is an isomorphism; this proves that Figure 8.4.4 and Figure 8.4.6 are the same square, and hence the former is a pullback square.
To conclude, note that the first numbered assertion is included in Lemma 8.2.3; the second and third assertions follow from the fact that Figure 8.4.4 is now a pullback square; and these in turn imply that the square is a pushout. (Compare [18], Lecture IV, Proposition 3.2.)
By Proposition 8.4.3, we may reduce to the cases of a perfect ring of characteristic and of a -torsion-free untilted ring. In the former case, it is evident that any perfect ring is reduced. in the latter case, let be the lens in question. Apply Lemma 8.2.3 to choose an element such that for some unit . It will suffice to check that any with vanishes, or (because is -adically separated) that any such is divisible by for any positive integer . We prove this by induction starting with the base case . Given that for some nonnegative integer and some , we have and hence because is -torsion-free. By Lemma 8.2.3 again, the kernel of the Frobenius on is generated by ; hence and . (Compare [18], Lecture IV, Corollary 3.3.)
The following argument makes a mild use of derived categories; see Section 10.
It is clear that is perfect. By Exercise 7.4.4, we also have an isomorphism in
Applying the Witt vector functor, we obtain an isomorphism
where denotes the derived -completion of the derived tensor product. Write with distinguished (Theorem 7.2.2). Since is a non-zerodivisor in (Lemma 7.1.2), we get an isomorphism
This proves the claim. (Compare [18], Lecture IV, Proposition 2.11.)
Show that the category of lenses is closed under arbitrary colimits and products in the category of all derived -complete rings. However, this does not imply closure under arbitrary limits; see Exercise 8.5.2.
One approach is to use the theorem of Ax-Sen-Tate (see [11]); this implies for example that if is a (possibly infinite) Galois algebraic extension of with Galois group , then the invariant subfield of the completion of under the action of is equal to .