Remark 16.1.1.
Suppose one is trying to write down a functor from to some abelian category which is right exact and commutes with filtered colimits. Then it is enough to specify the values of on arbitrary finite free -modules: every module is a cokernel of a morphism between two free modules, each of which is itself a filtered colimit of finite free modules. Furthermore, using projective resolutions by free modules, we can compute the left derived functors of from this.
The construction of nonabelian derived functors allows us to do something similar starting from the category The free objects in this case (i.e., the essential image of the left adjoint of the forgetful functor to ) are polynomial rings. In order to replace modules to rings, we need to reconceptualize some familiar constructions without reference to the additive structure of the category for example, in we can form the equalizer of two maps as the kernel of the difference but now we need to forgo this shortcut.
The resulting process amounts to the transition from homological algebra to homotopical algebra in the sense of Quillen [101]. Nowadays this is usually done in the framework of -categories, as in [93]; we will keep ourselves in a very limited part of the picture so as to keep the prerequities for the discussion under control.