Since we already know from
Definition 7.3.5 that
factors through
and surjects onto
it suffices to check that for every number field
We may establish this by checking that the map
has image
as then we get the desired condition by projecting from
Note that for
this follows from Artin reciprocity for cyclotomic extensions (
Definition 1.1.7).
In one direction, the fact that
maps into
is a corollary of local reciprocity (
Theorem 4.1.2) plus Artin reciprocity for cyclotomic extensions as used above.
In the other direction, the same logic shows that for each positive integer
the image of
equals the image of the classical Artin map for
it will thus suffice to check that these maps are surjective. It is convenient to deduce this from the First Inequality; see
Proposition 7.3.7 below.