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Notes on class field theory

Section 7.3 An “abstract” reciprocity map


[37] VII.5; [38] VI.4, but only loosely.
We next manufacture a canonical isomorphism
for any finite extension L/K of number fields, in which CK and CL are the corresponding idèle class groups (Theorem 7.3.8). However, we won’t yet know it agrees with our proposed reciprocity map, which is the product of the local reciprocity maps (Definition 6.4.6). We’ll come back to this point after we establish the existence theorem (see Section 7.5).

Subsection Abstract unit groups and the class field axiom

We will be applying abstract class field theory with k=Q and k=Q, an algebraic closure of Q. We first specify the Gal(Q/Q)-module A which will give rise to abstract unit groups.

Definition 7.3.1.

Set A:=KCK; by Corollary 6.3.7, AK=CK for every number field K. Our earlier calculations (Theorem 7.1.2, Theorem 7.2.9) imply that the class field axiom is satisfied: for L/K a cyclic extension of number fields,

Remark 7.3.2.

In Definition 7.3.1, it will follow from the reciprocity law (Theorem 6.4.3) that the group HT0(Gal(L/K),CL) is cyclic. However, the class field axiom does not require advance knowledge of this.

Subsection Cyclotomic extensions and abstract ramification theory

The cyclotomic extensions of a number field play a role in class field theory analogous to the role played by the unramified extensions in local class field theory. This makes it essential to make an explicit study of them for use in proving the main results. However, we will not need the Kronecker-Weber theorem (Theorem 1.1.2); instead, we will recover it as part of the reciprocity law.
We first make a distinction which is of marginal significance in the totality of number theory, but is critical for our use of the machinery of abstract class field theory.

Definition 7.3.3.

The extension nQ(ζn) of Q obtained by adjoining all roots of unity has Galois group Z^=pZp. That group has a lot of torsion, since each Zp contains a torsion subgroup of order p1 (or 2, if p=2).
If we take the fixed field for the torsion subgroup of Z, we get a slightly smaller extension, which I’ll call the small cyclotomic extension of Q and denote Qsmcy. Its Galois group is isomorphic to pZp=Z^, but not canonically so.
For K a number field, define Ksmcy:=KQsmcy. Then Gal(Ksmcy/K)Z^ as well, even if K contains some extra roots of unity: the point is that any open subgroup of Z^ is also isomorphic to Z^ (but again not canonically so).
With this definition in hand, we can set up the homomorphism d needed to define abstract ramification theory for the base field k=Q.

Definition 7.3.4.

Choose an isomorphism of Gal(Qsmcy/Q) with Z^; our results are not going to depend on the choice (see Remark 7.3.11). That gives a continuous surjection
recall that this means we are going to regard Qsmcy/Q as the “maximal unramified extension” of Q.
As in the general setup, for any finite extension L/K of number fields, we define the abstract ramification index eL/K and the abstract inertia degree fL/K by setting

Subsection An abstract henselian valuation

To complete the setup of abstract class field theory, we need an abstract henselian valuation v:CQZ^ with respect to d. Recall from Definition 5.1.8 that this means:
  1. v(CQ) is a subgroup Z of Z^ containing Z with Z/nZZ/nZ for all positive integers n;
  2. v(NormK/QCK)=fK/QZ for all finite extensions K/Q.

Definition 7.3.5.

To define the map v, we write
as in Remark 6.2.12. We then define v as the projection onto the third factor followed by the projection
The first condition of Definition 5.1.8 holds by construction. We will check the second condition using Artin reciprocity for cyclotomic extensions.


Since we already know from Definition 7.3.5 that v factors through CQ and surjects onto Z^, it suffices to check that for every number field K, v(NormK/QIK)=fK/QZ^. We may establish this by checking that the map
has image Gal(Kcyc/K)Gal(Qcyc/Q), as then we get the desired condition by projecting from Gal(Qcyc/Q) to Gal(Qsmcy/Q). Note that for K=Q, this follows from Artin reciprocity for cyclotomic extensions (Definition 1.1.7).
In one direction, the fact that IK maps into Gal(Kcyc/K) is a corollary of local reciprocity (Theorem 4.1.2) plus Artin reciprocity for cyclotomic extensions as used above.
In the other direction, the same logic shows that for each positive integer n, the image of IK in Gal(K(ζn)/K) equals the image of the classical Artin map for K(ζn)/K; it will thus suffice to check that these maps are surjective. It is convenient to deduce this from the First Inequality; see Proposition 7.3.7 below.
Here is the consequence of the First Inequality used in the proof of Lemma 7.3.6.


Let H be the image of the Artin map; the fixed field M of H has the property that all but finitely many primes of K split completely in M. We’ve already seen that this contradicts the First Inequality unless M=K (Corollary 7.1.15, or if you prefer Proposition 7.2.3).

Subsection Consequences of abstract CFT

We now apply abstract class field theory to obtain an “abstract adelic reciprocity law”.


Definition 7.3.9.

By Proposition 5.2.7, the maps rL/K from Theorem 7.3.8 fit together to give a map rK:CKGal(Kab/K); but we do not yet know that this coincides with the product of the local reciprocity maps, so we cannot yet recover Artin reciprocity. However, we can at least deduce the norm limitation theorem (Theorem 6.4.5). See also Remark 7.3.11 below.


Remark 7.3.11.

Although we do not have a complete description of the isomorphism rL/K coming from abstract class field theory, we do know one specific fact about this map: for “unramified” extensions L/K (i.e., LKsmcy), the “Frobenius” in Gal(L/K) maps to a “uniformizer” in CK. That is, the element of Gal(L/K) coming from the element of Gal(Ksmcy/K) which maps to 1 under dK corresponds via reciprocity to the element of CK which maps to 1 under vK.
The broader point here is that the definitions of both d and v involve the same artificial choice of an isomorphism Gal(Qsmcy/Q)Z^, which thus does not affect the reciprocity map. Compare Remark 5.1.11 and Exercise 4.