By Kummer theory (
Theorem 1.2.6), we can choose a finite set
\(S\) of places of
\(K\) containing all infinite places, all places that ramify in
\(L\text{,}\) and all places above
\(p\) so that
\(L = K(\Delta^{1/p})\) for
\(\Delta = \gotho_{K,S}^* \cap (L^*)^p\text{.}\) This remains true after enlarging
\(S\text{,}\) so by
Corollary 6.2.10 we can further ensure that
\(I_K = I_{K,S} K^*\text{.}\)
Put \(N := K((\gotho_{K,S}^*)^{1/p})\text{.}\) By Kummer theory again,
\Gal(N/K) \cong \Hom(\gotho_{K,S}^*/(\gotho_{K,S}^*)^p, \ZZ/p\ZZ)\text{.}
Corollary 6.2.11,
\(\gotho_{K,S}^*/(\gotho_{K,S}^*)^p \cong (\ZZ/p\ZZ)^s\text{.}\) Choose generators
\(g_1, \dots, g_{s-1}\) of
\(\Gal(N/L)\text{;}\) these correspond in
\(\Hom(\gotho_{K,S}^*/(\gotho_{K,S}^*)^p, \ZZ/p\ZZ)\) to a set of homomorphisms whose common kernel is precisely
\(\Delta/(\gotho_{K,S}^*)^p\text{.}\) We thus need to find, for each
\(g_i\text{,}\) a place
\(v_i\) such that the kernel of
\(g_i\) is the same as the kernel of
\(\gotho_{K,S}^* \to K_{v_i}^*/(K_{v_i}^*)^p\text{;}\) we can then take
\(T = \{v_1,\dots,v_{s-1}\}\text{.}\)
\(N_i\) be the fixed field of
\(g_i\text{;}\) by
Corollary 7.1.15 (which we deduced from the First Inequality) or
Proposition 7.2.3 (which was part of the analytic proof of the Second Inequality), there are infinitely many primes of
\(N_i\) that do not split in
\(N\text{.}\) So we can choose a place
\(w_i\) of each
\(N_i\) such that their restrictions
\(v_i\) to
\(K\) are distinct, not contained in
\(S\text{,}\) and don’t divide
We claim \(N_i\) is the maximal subextension of \(N/K\) in which \(v_i\) splits completely (i.e., the decomposition field of \(v_i\)). On one hand, \(v_i\) does not split completely in \(N\text{,}\) so the decomposition field is no larger than \(N_i\text{.}\) On the other hand, the decomposition field is the fixed field of the decomposition group, which has exponent \(p\) and is cyclic (since \(v_i\) does not ramify in \(N\)). Thus it must have index \(p\) in \(N\text{,}\) so must be \(N_i\) itself.
Thus \(L = \bigcap N_i\) is the maximal subextension of \(N\) in which all of the \(v_i\) split completely. We conclude that for \(x \in \gotho_{K,S}^*\text{,}\) \(x\) belongs to \(\Delta\) iff \(K_{v_i}(x^{1/p}) = K_{v_i}\) for all \(i\text{,}\) which occurs iff \(x \in K_{v_i}^p\text{.}\) That is, \(\Delta\) is precisely the kernel of the map \(\gotho_{K,S}^* \to \prod_i K_{v_i}^*/(K_{v_i}^*)^p\text{.}\) This proves the claim.