Definition 6.1.1.
Let \(K\) be a number field of degree \(n\text{.}\) It then has \(n\) distinct embeddings \(\tau\colon K \to \CC\text{.}\) The product embedding
j\colon K \to \prod_\tau \CC, \qquad a \mapsto (\tau(a))_\tau
induces an isomorphism of \(K_{\CC} = K \otimes_{\QQ} \CC\) with \(\prod_\tau \CC\text{.}\)
The ring \(K_{\CC} = K \otimes_{\QQ} \CC\) admits an involution \(F\) which fixes \(K\) and acts on \(\CC\) via complex conjugation. The corresponding action on \(\prod_\tau \CC\) is
(z_\tau)_\tau \mapsto (\overline{z_{\overline{\tau}}})_\tau
where \(\overline{\tau}\) denotes the composition of \(\tau\) with complex conjugation on \(\CC\text{.}\) The fixed subring under \(F\) is \(K_{\RR} = K \otimes_{\QQ} \RR\text{.}\)
Equip \(K_\CC \cong \prod_\tau \CC\) with the standard Hermitian inner product, that is,
\langle z_1, z_2 \rangle = \sum_\tau z_{1,\tau} \overline{z_{2,\tau}}\text{.}
This restricts to a positive definite inner product on \(K_\RR\text{.}\)
Via the embedding of \(K\) into \(K_\RR\text{,}\) \(\gotho_K\) corresponds to a lattice in \(K_\RR\text{,}\) i.e., a discrete cocompact subgroup. Similarly, any fractional ideal of \(K\) corresponds to a lattice in \(K_\RR\text{.}\)