Section 4.4 Ramification filtrations and local reciprocity
For a finite extension of the local reciprocity map defines an isomorphism of with the profinite completion of The natural filtration on the unit group thus defines a filtration on but which one? It turns out that the answer is related to a natural filtration on the entire group we give Hadamard’s description of this.
Subsection The lower numbering filtration
Lemma 4.4.2.
Let be a Galois extension of finite extensions of with Galois group Let be the valuation on and choose a uniformizer of (so that ). Choose such that For every and every integer the following conditions are equivalent.
- The action of
on the ring is trivial. - For all
- We have
The first two conditions are equivalent more or less by definition. They both immediately imply the third condition; conversely, the third condition implies the others because fixes and
Definition 4.4.3.
Let be a Galois extension of finite extensions of with Galois group For each integer let be the set of satisfying the equivalent conditions of Lemma 4.4.2. The form a decreasing sequence of subgroups of these together form the lower numbering ramification filtration on In particular, and equals the inertia subgroup of
For convenience later, we extend the definition of the filtration to arbitrary real values by setting
From the definition, we see that the formation of the lower numbering filtration is compatible with subgroups: if is a subgroup of then for all However, it is not at all clear what happens when we pass from to a quotient.
Lemma 4.4.4.
Reduce to the case where is totally ramified; we may then deduce the claim directly from Lemma 4.4.2. See also [48], IV.2, Proposition 5.
Definition 4.4.5.
For let be the subgroup of consisting of elements for which The group is naturally isomorphic to the group of units of the residue field For the group carries the structure of a one-dimensional vector space over for any choice of the uniformizer we may use the class of as the basis element, but there is no distinguished choice without this breaking of symmetry.
By Lemma 4.4.4, for we may view as the maximal subgroup of carrying into itself. In particular, the quotient is naturally isomorphic to a subgroup of
This gives us the following structural properties of First, the group is isomorphic to the residue field extension, which is cyclic. Next, is isomorphic to a subgroup of and so is cyclic of order prime to Finally, for is a subgroup of and so is an elementary abelian -group. In particular, is a solvable group, as noted in Remark 4.2.3.
Subsection The Herbrand functions
We now introduce Herbrand’s recipe to convert the lower numbering used in the definition of the ramification filtration into an upper numbering that behaves well with respct to passage to quotients.
Definition 4.4.6.
This function is continuous, piecewise linear, increasing, and concave, and satisfies for Consequently, it admits an inverse which is continuous, piecewise linear, increasing, and convex.
Lemma 4.4.7.
Let be a finite Galois extension of finite extensions of with Galois group Let be a normal subgroup of with fixed field For
See [48], IV.3, Lemma 5.
Lemma 4.4.8.
Let be a finite Galois extension of finite extensions of with Galois group Let be a normal subgroup of with fixed field Then
See [48], IV.3, Proposition 15.
Proposition 4.4.9.
Let be a finite Galois extension of finite extensions of with Galois group Let be a normal subgroup of For all
Definition 4.4.10.
Let be a Galois extension of finite extensions of with Galois group We define the breaks in the ramification filtration for the lower numbering (respectively, the upper numbering) as the values of for which for all (resp. for all ).
By definition, the breaks for the lower numbering are integers, while the breaks for the upper numbering are only guaranteed to be rational numbers. In fact, it is possible to exhibit examples where the breaks for the upper numbering are not integers (see Exercise 2 and Exercise 3). However, in the next section we will see that this cannot occur for abelian extensions.
Subsection The Hasse-Arf theorem
Theorem 4.4.11.
Let be an abelian extension of finite extensions of with Galois group Then the breaks in the ramification filtration for the upper numbering are integers.
See [48], V.7, Theorem 1.
Example 4.4.12.
Consider the extension One can compute directly (see Exercise 1) that the ramification breaks occur at This will also follow from the comparison with local reciprocity (Theorem 4.4.14).
Remark 4.4.13.
The Hasse-Arf theorem is more general than we have stated here; it holds whenever is a finite abelian extension of complete discretely valued fields in which the residue field extension is separable. That is, not only is there no restriction to characteristic 0, but the residue fields are not required to be finite.
At the same level of generality, one can use the Hasse-Arf theorem to deduce that the Artin conductor of a Galois representation is always integral. See [48], VI.2, Theorem 1.
Theorem 4.4.14.
Let be an abelian extension of finite extensions of with Galois group Let be the local reciprocity isomorphism. Then for each positive integer the inverse image of in equals
See [38], Theorem V.6.2. (This proof uses the Lubin-Tate construction.)
Exercises Exercises
Compute the ramification breaks for the lower and upper numbering for the extension directly from the definitions (i.e., without using local reciprocity). In particular, you should find that the breaks for the upper numbering are
Let be the splitting field of the polynomial over Show that in the ramification filtration on the largest break for the upper numbering occurs at
This example is taken from the L-Functions and Modular Forms Database. Note that in this case the Galois group is
Let be the quaternion group of order that is, Let be the center of Suppose that is a totally ramified Galois extension of finite extensions of satisfying and Show that
and deduce that