For suitable functions \(f: \AA_K \to \CC\text{,}\) define the associated zeta function as the following function of quasicharacters on \(C_K\) with exponent greater than \(1\text{:}\)
\zeta(f, c)= \int f(\alpha)c(\alpha)\,d\alpha\text{.}
This function is single-valued and holomorphic except at the points corresponding to \(s=0\) and \(s=1\) where it has simple poles with residues \(-\kappa f(0)\) and \(\kappa \hat{f}(0)\text{,}\) respectively, where
\kappa = 2^{r_1} (2\pi)^{r_2} \frac{h R}{\sqrt{|\Delta_K| \omega_K}}
(with \(r_1\) the number of real places, \(r_2\) the number of complex places, \(h\) the class number, \(R\) the unit regulator, \(\Delta_K\) the discriminant, and \(\omega_K\) the order of the group of roots of unity). Moreover, we have the functional equation
\zeta(f, c) = \zeta(\hat{f}, \hat{c})
where \(\hat{c}(\alpha) = \alpha c(\alpha)^{-1}\) (so in particular \(s \mapsto 1-s\)).