The original source is [4], XV; note that the “valuation vectors” used therein are our adèles, as per Remark 6.0.1. For a modern (and much less terse) treatment, see [43].
As an aside, we describe another classic use of adèles in algebraic number theory: the derivation of the analytic continuation and functional equation of Dedekind zeta functions and Dirichlet -functions via Fourier analysis on the adèles, as described by Tate in his PhD thesis. This is meant merely as a guide to the latter, so we omit essentially all proofs.
Let be a number field and let be a place of . Then the dual group of continuous characters from to is a locally compact topological group. Moreover, for any nontrivial element , the map
To choose a character as in Lemma 6.6.1, we may precompose with a trace map to reduce to the case . In that case, for we may take to be the character ; for , we may take it to be where is congruent to modulo .
Crucially, there is also a version of the Poisson summation formula in this context. In classical Fourier analysis, this involves summing a function and its Fourier transform over the lattice in . In the adelic setup, the “lattice” is the subgroup of , and the result can also be viewed as an analogue of the Riemann-Roch theorem in complex geometry! See [4], XV, Theorem 4.2.1.
Let be a number field. By a quasi-character on the idèle class group , we will mean any continuous homomorphism from this group into . By contrast, a character is required to map into the unit circle.
The space of quasicharacters on contains a distinguished copy of : each complex number corresponds to the character . The exponent of this character is precisely the real part of .
The adelic zeta function of will be a function on the space of quasi-characters. Its restriction to the distinguished copy of will give the usual zeta function. If we take the translate of this copy of by some other quasi-character, we will end up computing the -function associated to some Hecke character. The idea of the adelic setup is to package all of these Hecke -functions together into a single object, which can be studied by an adelic analogue of the classical proof of analytic continuation for the Riemann zeta function. More on this below.
The classical approach to deriving the analytic continuation and functional equation for a Dedekind zeta function, or for Dirichlet -functions, is to interpret via an integral representation (technically, as a Mellin transform of a theta series). The functional equation then follows from Poisson summation. Something similar is possible in the adelic situation, with the additional advantage of admitting a “local-global compatibility”.
This function is single-valued and holomorphic except at the points corresponding to and where it has simple poles with residues and , respectively, where
(with the number of real places, the number of complex places, the class number, the unit regulator, the discriminant, and the order of the group of roots of unity). Moreover, we have the functional equation
Theorem 6.6.9 looks a lot like what we are expecting except for the presence of the mysterious test function . To get back to more classical statements like Theorem 2.4.2 and Theorem 2.4.5, one must choose so that one can evaluate and have it come out to be something similar to . See the very end of [4], XV for further discussion.