Section 7.1 Cohomology of the idèles I: the “First Inequality”
[37] VII.2-VII.4; [38] VI.3, but see below. See also this blog post by Akhil Mathew.
By analogy with local class field theory, we want to prove that for a cyclic extension of number fields and the respective idèle class groups of and
Our first step is to calculate the Herbrand quotient (in analogy with Proposition 4.2.11).
This will end up reducing to a study of lattices in a real vector space, much as in the proof of Dirichlet’s units theorem (Corollary 6.2.11).
From Theorem 7.1.1, we will deduce the so-called “First Inequality”.
Theorem 7.1.2. First Inequality.
The “Second Inequality” will be the reverse, which will be a bit more subtle (see Theorem 7.2.9).
Subsection Some basic observations
Definition 7.1.3. Notational shorthand.
Let be a Galois extension of number fields with Galois group (We do not yet need to be cyclic.) For any finite set of places of containing all infinite places, write to mean the group where denotes the set of places of lying over some place in Similarly, write to mean
Note that each is stable under the action of and that is the direct limit of the over all Moreover, by Corollary 6.2.10, for sufficiently large we have
Proposition 7.1.4.
Let be a Galois extension of number fields with Galois group Let be a finite set of places of containing all infinite places and all places that ramify in For each
The group is the product of over all and over all By Shapiro’s lemma (Lemma 3.2.3), we may reinterpret as the product of over all and over all The latter vanish for all by Corollary 4.2.6, so we get what we want. The argument for Tate groups is analogous.
Corollary 7.1.5.
View as the direct limit of the over all finite sets of places of containing all infinite places and all ramified places; then is the direct limit of the We may thus apply Proposition 7.1.4 to deduce the claims.
Corollary 7.1.6.
Let be a Galois extension of number fields with Galois group For any finite set of places of containing all infinite places and all places which ramify in
In addition,
This follows by combining Proposition 7.1.4, the computation of cohomology of local fields (Lemma 1.2.3 and Proposition 4.2.1), and the equality
which already arose in the proof of Lemma 6.4.1.
Remark 7.1.7. Sanity check.
The case of in Corollary 7.1.5 asserts something that is evidently true and already featured in the proof of Lemma 6.4.1: an idèle in is a norm from if and only if each component is a norm.
Subsection Cohomology of the units: first steps
Definition 7.1.8.
Let be a cyclic extension of number fields with Galois group Apply Corollary 6.2.10 to choose a finite set of places of containing all infinite places and all places which ramify in such that From the exact sequence
we have an equality of Herbrand quotients
Lemma 7.1.9.
Let be a cyclic extension of number fields. Let be a finite set of places of containing all infinite places. Then
Subsection Cohomology of the units: a computation with -units
At this point, we have reduced the computation of the Herbrand quotient and by extension the First Inequality, to the computation of for a suitable set of places of We treat this point next, using similar ideas to the proof of Dirichlet’s units theorem (Corollary 6.2.11).
Definition 7.1.10.
Let be a cyclic extension of number fields with Galois group Let be a finite set of places of containing all infinite places, and let be the set of places of lying above places of Let be the real vector space consisting of one copy of for each place in Define the map by
with normalizations as in Definition 6.1.11. By the product formula (Proposition 6.1.12) and Dirichlet’s units theorem (Corollary 6.2.11), the kernel of this map consists of roots of unity, and the image is a lattice in the trace-zero hyperplane of Since acts compatibly on and (the latter by permuting the factors), it also acts on
Remark 7.1.11. Caveat.
At this point, we deviate from [38] due to an error therein. Namely, Lemma VI.3.4 is only proved assuming that acts transitively on the coordinates of but in Definition 7.1.10 this is not the case: permutes the places above any given place of but those are separate orbits. So we’ll follow [37] instead.
Definition 7.1.12.
Continuing from Definition 7.1.10, we can write down two natural lattices in One of them is the lattice generated by together with the all-ones vector, on which acts trivially. As a -module, the Herbrand quotient of that lattice is The other is the lattice in which, in the given coordinate system, each element has integral coordinates. To compute the Herbrand quotient of notice that the projection of this lattice onto the coordinates corresponding to the places above some form a copy of Writing for the Herbrand quotient to emphasize the dependence on the group we have
To sum up, the calculations from Definition 7.1.10 and Definition 7.1.12 reduce Lemma 7.1.9 to a comparison of Herbrand quotients of two lattices in the same real vector space. See Lemma 7.1.13.
Subsection Herbrand quotients of real lattices
We conclude the proof of the First Inequality with the following statement.
Lemma 7.1.13.
Let be a real vector space on which a finite cyclic group acts linearly, and let and be -stable lattices in Then (Note that both Herbrand quotients are automatically well-defined because and are finitely generated abelian groups; see Example 3.2.24.)
Note that and are -modules which become isomorphic to and hence to each other, after tensoring over with By Lemma 7.1.14, this implies that and are isomorphic as -modules.
From this isomorphism, we see that as a -module, is isomorphic to some sublattice of Since a lattice has the same Herbrand quotient as any sublattice (the quotient is finite, so its Herbrand quotient is 1 by Remark 3.4.8), that means
Lemma 7.1.14.
Let be an extension of infinite fields. Let be a finite group. Let and be two right -modules which are finite-dimensional as -vector spaces. If and are isomorphic as -modules, then and are isomorphic.
By hypothesis, the -vector space
on which acts by the formula contains an invariant vector which, as a linear transformation, is invertible. Now can also be written as
The fact that has an invariant vector says that a certain set of linear equations has a nonzero solution over namely the equations that express the fact that the action of leaves the vector invariant. But those equations have coefficients in so
in particular, the space of invariant vectors in is also nonzero.
It remains to check that some element of corresponds to a map which is actually an isomorphism; for this, we argue as in Exercise 3. Fix an isomorphism of vector spaces between and (which need not respect the -action). By composing each element of with this isomorphism and taking the determinant, we get a well-defined polynomial function on which we can restrict to By hypothesis, this function is not identically zero on so (because is infinite) it cannot be identically zero on either.
Subsection Splitting of primes
As a consequence of the First Inequality, we record the following fact which was previously stated as a consequence of the Chebotaryov density theorem (Theorem 2.4.11), but which will be needed logically earlier in the arguments. (See [38], Corollary VI.3.8 for more details.) Alternatively, we will get something stronger out of the analytic proof of the Second Inequality (Proposition 7.2.3).
Corollary 7.1.15.
For any nontrivial extension of number fields, there are infinitely many primes of which do not split completely in
Suppose first that is cyclic. Suppose that all but finitely many primes split completely; we can then take a finite set of places which contains all of them as well as all of the infinite places and all of the ramified places. For each the group is open of finite index in For any using the approximation theorem (Proposition 6.1.18) we can then find such that for all For each place we have so We deduce that the class of in is a norm; that is, whereas Theorem 7.1.2 asserts that contradiction.
In the general case, let be the Galois closure of then a prime of splits completely in if and only if it splits completely in Since is a nontrivial finite group, it contains a cyclic subgroup; let be the fixed field of this subgroup. By the previous paragraph, there are infinitely many prime ideals of which do not split completely in proving the original result.
Exercises Exercises
Let be a number field. Let be cyclic extensions of of the same prime degree such that for Using the First Inequality (Theorem 7.1.2), prove that there are infinitely many primes of which split completely in but not in