The map
\(\Br(K) \to \bigoplus_v \Br(K_v)\) is the injection from
Theorem 7.2.13. The value of
\(\Br(K_v)\) for
\(v\) finite is given by
Lemma 4.2.20. For
\(v\) complex, it is evident that
\(\Br(K_v) = 0\text{.}\) For
\(v\) real, by
Theorem 3.4.1 we have
\Br(\RR) &= H^2(\CC/\RR)\\
&\cong H^0_T(\CC/\RR)\\
&\cong \RR^* / \Norm_{\CC/\RR} \CC^* = \RR^*/\RR^+ \cong \tfrac{1}{2} \ZZ/\ZZ\text{.}
Since the values of \(\Br(K_v)\) are the ones given, the surjectivity of the map \(\bigoplus_v \Br(K_v) \to \QQ/\ZZ\) is evident. It thus remains to establish exactness at the middle of the sequence; that is, we must check that a class in \(\bigoplus_v \Br(K_v)\) maps to zero in \(\QQ/\ZZ\) if and only if it arises from some element of \(\Br(K)\text{.}\)
Fix such a class
\((\alpha_v)_v \in \bigoplus_v \Br(K_v)\) and let
\(S\) be the finite set of places
\(v\) at which
\(\alpha_v \neq 0\text{.}\) Let
\(n\) be the least common multiple of the orders of the
\(\alpha_v\text{.}\) Using
Exercise 1, we can find a cyclic cyclotomic extension
\(L/K\) such that for each
\(v \in S\text{,}\) for some (hence any) place
\(w\) of
\(L\) over
\(v\text{,}\) the degree
\([L_w:K_v]\) is divisible by
\(n\text{.}\) By
Lemma 4.2.20, this means that
\(\alpha_v \in H^2(L_w/K_v)\) for all
\(v\text{.}\) We can now use
Lemma 7.6.10 to argue in one direction: if
\(\alpha\) maps to zero in
\(\QQ/\ZZ\text{,}\) then it lifts to
\(H^2(L/K) \subset \Br(K)\text{.}\)
To argue in the opposite direction, we need a bit more: we need to know that every class of
\(\Br(K)\) belongs to
\(H^2(L/K)\) for some cyclic cyclotomic extension
\(L\) of
\(K\text{.}\) For this, see
Proposition 7.6.14.