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Notes on class field theory

Section 3.3 Homology and Tate groups


[37], II.2.
You may not be surprised to learn that there is a “dual” theory to the theory of group cohomology, namely group homology. What you may be surprised to learn is that one can actually fit the two together, so that in a sense the homology groups become cohomology groups with negative indices. (Since the arguments are similar to those for cohomology, I’m going to skip some details.)

Subsection Homology

Definition 3.3.1.

Let MG denote the maximal quotient of M on which G acts trivially. In other words, MG is the quotient of M by the submodule spanned by mgm for all mM and gG. In yet other words, MG=M/MIG, where IG is the augmentation ideal of the group algebra Z[G]:
Or if you like, MG=MZ[G]Z. Since MG is the group of G-invariants, we call MG the group of G-coinvariants.
The functor MMG is right exact but not left exact: if 0MMM0 is exact, then MGMGMG0 is exact but the map on the left is not necessarily injective. Again, we can fill in the exact sequence by defining homology groups.

Definition 3.3.2.

A G-module M is projective if for any surjection NN of G-modules and any map ϕ:MN, there exists a map ψ:MN lifting ϕ. This definition is dual to the definition of an injective G-module, but this symmetry is a bit misleading: it is much easier to describe projective G-modules than injective G-modules. For example, any G-module which is a free module over the ring Z[G] is projective, such as Z[G] itself!

Definition 3.3.3.

A projective resolution of M is an exact sequence P1P0M0 of G-modules in which the Pi are projective. Given such a resolution, take coinvariants to get a complex
then put Hi(G,M)=ker(di1)/im(di). Again, this is canonically independent of the resolution and functorial, and there is a long exact sequence which starts out

Definition 3.3.4.

We say that M is acyclic (for homology) if Hi(G,M)=0 for i>0. As with group cohomology, we can replace a projective resolution with an acyclic resolution and get the same homology groups. For example, induced modules are again acyclic and the analogue of Shapiro’s lemma holds (key point: any free Z[H]-module induces to a free Z[G]-module).

Remark 3.3.5.

One can give a concrete description of homology as well, but we won’t need it for our purposes. Even without one, though, we can calculate H1(G,Z) using the exact sequence
By the long exact sequence in homology,
is exact, i.e. 0H1(G,Z)IG/IG2Z[G]/IG is exact. The last map is induced by IGZ[G] and so is the zero map. Thus H1(G,Z)IG/IG2; recall that in Exercise 5, it was shown that the map g[g]1 defines an isomorphism GabIG/IG2. This can be thought of as an algebraic analogue of the fact that the first homology group of a (reasonable) topological space equals the abelianization of the fundamental group.

Subsection The Tate groups

We now stitch together the long exact sequences of cohomology and homology to get a doubly infinite exact sequence. The value of doing this may be unclear at first, but will become apparent when we compute the Tate cohomology of cyclic groups (Theorem 3.4.1).

Definition 3.3.6.

Let M be a G-module. Define the map NormG:MM by
Then NormG induces a homomorphism

Remark 3.3.7.

You might be wondering why NormG is called a “norm” rather than a “trace”. The reason is that in practice, our modules M will most often be groups which are most naturally written multiplicatively, e.g., the nonzero elements of a field.

Definition 3.3.8.

We now define the Tate cohomology groups (or Tate homology groups if you prefer) as follows:


Since we already have long exact sequences for homology and cohomology, the only remaining issue is exactness between HT2(G,M) and HT1(G,M) inclusive. This follows by diagram-chasing, as in the proof of the snake lemma (Lemma 3.1.16) on the commutative diagram Figure 3.3.10 with exact rows, noting that the diagram remains commutative with the dashed arrows added.
Figure 3.3.10.

Remark 3.3.11.

If M is an induced G-module, then HTi(G,M)=0 for all i (see Exercise 1). That is, induced modules are acyclic for all of cohomology, homology, and Tate (co)homology.

Subsection Extended functoriality revisited

The extended functoriality for cohomology groups (Definition 3.2.22) has analogues for homology groups and Tate cohomology groups, but under more restrictive conditions.

Definition 3.3.12.

Again, let M be a G-module and M a G-module, and consider a homomorphism α:GG of groups and a homomorphism β:MM of abelian groups which are compatible in the sense of Definition 3.2.22. We would like to obtain canonical homomorphisms Hi(G,M)Hi(G,M), but for this we need to add an additional condition to ensure that MM induces a well-defined map MGMG. For instance, this holds if α is surjective.
For Tate cohomology groups, there is a further complication that the map MG(M)G does not necessarily induce a map Norm(M)Norm(M). However, this does occur if α is injective, so for instance we have well-defined restriction maps Res:HT0(G,M)HT0(H,M) whenever H is a subgroup of G.

Remark 3.3.13.

In Example 3.2.24, we used the restriction and corestriction maps to show that for G a finite group and M a G-module, the groups Hi(G,M) are torsion groups killed by #G for all i>0. While we cannot extend the corestriction map to Tate cohomology, we may still argue directly that HT0(G,M) is killed by #G.

Exercises Exercises


Prove that if M is an induced G-module, then HTi(G,M)=0 for all iZ.
Use the fact that induced G-modules are acyclic for both cohomology and homology to reduce to checking the cases i=1,0. Another option is to extend Shapiro’s lemma to Tate cohomology groups.


Let GH be an inclusion of finite groups. Show that via the identification from Remark 3.3.5, the map Res:HT2(G,Z)HT2(H,Z) corresponds to the transfer (Verlagerung) map V:GabHab. This provides another way to derive the existence of the latter.