Let \(m\) be the order of \(G\text{,}\) choose a generator \(g\) of \(G\text{,}\) and fix the identification of the group ring \(\ZZ[G]\) with the (commutative!) ring \(\ZZ[x]/(x^m-1)\) taking \(g\) to \(x\text{.}\) I can then view multiplication by \(x-1\) as a map of \(G\)-modules \(\ZZ[G] \to \ZZ[G]\text{,}\) then tensor over \(\ZZ\) with \(M\) to get a map
\Ind^G_1 \Res^G_1 M \stackrel{\times (x-1)}{\to} \Ind^G_1 \Res^G_1 M\text{.}
The kernel of this map is the image of multiplication by \(x^{m-1} + \cdots + 1\text{,}\) while the image is the ideal generated by \(x-1\text{.}\) Consequently, if I extend this map to a sequence
0 \to M \to \Ind^G_1 \Res^G_1 M \stackrel{\times (x-1)}{\to} \Ind^G_1 \Res^G_1 M \to M \to 0
by adding the adjunction maps on both sides, the result is exact.
By Shapiro’s lemma, the Tate groups of the two modules in the middle are all zero. The desired result now follows from the following general fact: if
0 \to A \stackrel{f}{\to} B \stackrel{g}{\to} C \stackrel{h}{\to} D \to 0
is exact and \(B\) and \(C\) have all Tate groups zero, then there is a canonical isomorphism \(H^{i+2}_T(G, A) \to H^i_T(G, D)\text{.}\) To see this, form the long exact sequence associated to the short exact sequences
0 \to A \to B \to \frac{B}{\im(f)} \to 0\\
0 \to \frac{B}{\ker(g)} \to C \to D \to 0
and combine the resulting isomorphisms to get
H^{i+2}(G, A) \cong H^{i+1}\left(G, \frac{B}{\im(f)}\right) = H^{i+1}\left(G, \frac{B}{\ker(g)}\right) \cong H^i(G,D).