Section 2.2 Generalized ideal class groups and the Artin reciprocity law
Subsection An example (continued)
Before proceeding to generalized ideal class groups, we continue a bit with Example 2.1.1 to illustrate what is about to happen.
First suppose where is a rational prime that remains inert (i.e., does not split and is not ramified) in This happens if and only if is not a square mod In this case, one of and is a square in so contains a square root of one of them, hence of both (since already has a square root there). Thus the residue field does not grow when we pass to that is, is split.
Next suppose is a rational prime that splits as If is principal, then the equation has a solution in (namely, for ), but this is only possible if Then splits in as well, so is totally split in so splits in
Conversely, suppose is not principal. Since there are only two ideal classes in we have for some Thus If for we then have Considering things mod 4, we see that and must be ratios of two odd integers, and Thus does not split in so cannot split in
The only cases left are which does not split (see above), and which does split (since has a square root mod 5).
Remark 2.2.2.
As a bonus, note that in Proposition 2.2.1, for any ideal of is principal. (To check this, it suffices to verify that ) This is a special case of the principal ideal theorem (Theorem 2.3.1).
Subsection Generalized ideal class groups
In this section, we formulate (without proof) the Artin reciprocity law for an arbitrary abelian extension of number fields. This map will generalize the canonical isomorphism, in the case of with a subgroup of for some as well as the splitting behavior we saw in the previous example. Before proceeding, we need to define the appropriate generalization of to number fields.
Definition 2.2.3.
Recall that the ideal class group of is defined as the group of fractional ideals modulo the subgroup of principal fractional ideals. Let be a formal product of places of you may regard such a beast as an ordinary integral ideal together with a nonnegative coefficient for each infinite place.
Let be the group of fractional ideals of which are coprime to each finite place of occurring in Let be the group of principal fractional ideals generated by elements such that:
- for
finite, - for every real place
(There is no condition for complex places.) Then the ray class group is defined as the quotient A quotient of a ray class group is called a generalized ideal class group.
Subsection The Artin reciprocity law
We imitate the “reciprocity law” construction we made for (Definition 1.1.7) with a general abelian extension of number fields, but this time with no a priori reason to expect it to give anything useful.
Definition 2.2.4.
Let be a (finite) abelian extension of number fields. For each prime of that does not ramify in let be a prime of above and put and Then the residue field extension is an extension of finite fields, so it has a canonical generator the Frobenius automorphism, which acts by raising to the -th power. (Here is the absolute norm of ) Since does not ramify, the decomposition group is isomorphic to so we get a canonical element of called the Frobenius of In general, replacing by for some conjugates both the decomposition group and the Frobenius by since is abelian in our case, that conjugation has no effect. Thus we may speak of “the Frobenius of ” without ambiguity.
Remark 2.2.5.
The fact that we have to avoid the ramified primes will be a bit of a nuisance later. Eventually we’ll get around this using the adelic formulation (Section 6.4).
At this point, the following miracle occurs.
Theorem 2.2.6. Artin reciprocity.
There exists a formal product of places of including all (finite and infinite) places over which ramifies, such that belongs to the kernel of the Artin map.
We will deduce this much later from a corresponding statement made in the language of adèles and idèles. See Theorem 6.4.3 and Proposition 6.4.9.
In particular, we get a map which turns out to be surjective (see Exercise 5), but now we don’t have the Kronecker-Weber theorem to explain this.
Definition 2.2.7.
Define the conductor of to be the smallest formal product for which the conclusion of Theorem 2.2.6 holds. We say is the ray class field corresponding to the product if has conductor dividing and the map is an isomorphism.
Theorem 2.2.8. Existence of ray class fields.
Every formal product has a ray class field.
Again, we will deduce this later from a statement in the adelic language. See Theorem 6.4.4 and Remark 6.4.10.
Example 2.2.9.
The ray class field of of conductor is The ray class field of of conductor is the maximal real subfield of
Remark 2.2.10.
Unfortunately, for number fields other than the abelian extensions are not all generated by roots of unity (see for example Exercise 5), and in general we do not have an explicit description of the ray class fields as being generated by particular algebraic numbers. A salient exception is the imaginary quadratic fields, for which the theory of elliptic curves with complex multiplication provides such numbers. Also, if we were to work with function fields instead of number fields, the theory of Drinfeld modules would do something similar.
This gap in our knowledge, also referred to as Hilbert’s 12th Problem, will make establishing class field theory somewhat more complicated than it would be otherwise. In particular, the proof of Theorem 2.2.8 is rather inexplicit; see Section 7.4. By contrast, in the local setting we do have an explicit construction; see Section 4.6.
Exercises Exercises
For a prime ideal of and an abelian extension in which does not ramify, let be the Frobenius of Prove that Frobenius obeys the following compatibilities:
- If
is another extension with abelian, is a prime of over and is unramified over then restricted to equals - In this notation,
where denotes the residue field degree.
It’s in [37] V.1. Make sure you understand its proof!
Use Exercise 2 to give a formula for the order of for odd and squarefree, in terms of the prime factors of and and the class number of
Let be a quadratic number field. Prove that admits an abelian extension which is not contained in for any positive integer
Find such that is not Galois over
Let be a number field and let be a formal product of places of Prove that the ray class field of of conductor is unique.
Let be two ray class fields of conductor Then the compositum is also abelian and so Artin reciprocity applies to it. Use the compatibility of the Artin symbol with field extensions to deduce that the maps have the same kernel, and conclude that