This follows from everything we have said so far, plus Artin reciprocity, in case
is abelian. In the general case, let
be the order of
and let
be the fixed field of
then we know that the set of primes of
with Frobenius
has Dirichlet density
The same is true if we restrict to primes of absolute degree 1 (see
Exercise 2).
Let be the centralizer of in that is, The order of the conjugacy class of is so we are trying to prove that the set of primes of (of absolute degree 1) with Frobenius in the conjugacy class of has Dirichlet density
To begin with, we apply the abelian case to the extension to see that the set of primes of (of absolute degree 1) with Frobenius equals Next, note that a prime of (of absolute degree 1) has Frobenius in the conjugacy class of if and only if there is a prime of with Frobenius note that has inertia degree over both and so is a prime of of absolute degree 1. Finally, note that for each the Frobenius of is so only the elements of correspond to cases where this Frobenius is again equal to However, the elements of the subgroup generated by do not even move so there are in all primes of above with Frobenius Consequently, the density of primes of with Frobenius in the conjugacy class of is as desired.