Definition 6.2.1.
Let \(K\) be a number field and let \(\AA_K\) be the ring of adèles associated to \(K\) (Definition 6.1.10). We define the group of idèles \(I_K\) associated to \(K\) as the group of units of the ring \(\AA_K\text{.}\) In other words, an element of \(I_K\) is a tuple \((\alpha_v)\text{,}\) one element of \(K_v^*\) for each place \(v\) of \(K\text{,}\) such that \(\alpha_v \in \gotho_{K_v}^*\) for all but finitely many finite places \(v\text{.}\)
As a set, \(I_K\) is the restricted product of the pairs \((K_v^*, \{1\})\) for infinite places \(v\) and \((K_v, \gotho_{K_v}^*)\) for finite places \(v\text{.}\) We use this interpretation to give \(I_K\) the structure of a locally compact topological group.