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Notes on class field theory

Section 5.2 The abstract reciprocity map

We next define the reciprocity map in abstract class field theory (Definition 5.2.6). As a bonus, this definition will give an explicit recipe for computing the reciprocity map in local class field theory, but we will not expand on this point.

Subsection Construction of the reciprocity map

In order to define a candidate r:Gal(L/K)AK/NormL/KAL for the reciprocity map, we must first give a partial definition using a different domain. See Remark 5.2.9 for motivation.

Definition 5.2.1.

Under Hypothesis 5.1.12, let L/K be a Galois extension of finite subextensions of k/k. Let H be the semigroup of gGal(Lunr/K) such that dK(g) is a positive integer. Define the map
as follows. For gGal(Lunr/K), let M be the fixed field of g, so that
We may set r(g):=NormM/K(πM) for some uniformizer πM for M, once we check that this doesn’t depend on the choice of πM. To wit, if πM is another uniformizer for M, then πM/πMUL belongs to NormLunr/LULunr by Corollary 5.1.15, so NormM/K(πM/πM) belongs to NormLunr/KULunrNormL/KUL. So at least r is now a well-defined map, if not yet a semigroup homomorphism.

Remark 5.2.2.

Before getting into the weeds, let’s make some other observations about Definition 5.2.1.
First, r is invariant under conjugation: if we replace g by h1gh, then its fixed field M is replaced by Mh and we can take the uniformizer πMh.
Next, if gH is actually in Gal(Lunr/L), then r(g)NormL/KAL. In that case, M contains L, so r(g)=NormM/K(πM) can be rewritten as NormL/KNormM/L(πM)NormL/KAL. That is, if r were known to be multiplicative, it would induce a group homomorphism from Gal(L/K) to AK/NormL/KAL.
The remaining difficulty is to check that r is multiplicative. The issue here is that the definition of r(g) involves taking the norm from a field extension that depends on g, so it is hopeless to directly compare different values of g. Instead, we rewrite the definition in a more uniform manner.


Put U=MKunr, so that NormM/K=NormU/KNormM/U. The group Gal(U/K) is of order n generated by ϕ, so for yAU we have NormU/K(y)=yyϕyϕn1. Meanwhile, on AM we can view NormM/U as the restriction of NormLunr/Kunr, so NormM/U(x)=NormLunr/Kunr(x). By taking y=NormM/U(x) and rewriting yϕi as NormLunr/Kunr(x)ϕi=NormLunr/Kunr(xϕi), we deduce the claim.
Using the formula from Proposition 5.2.3, we can now establish multiplicativity, following [38], Proposition IV.5.5.


By hypothesis, x is the class of some uUM for which there exist u1,,urUM and τ1,,τrG such that
Put n:=[M:K] and σ:=ϕn, and let Σ be the fixed field of σ, which contains M. Let Σn be the unramified extension of Σ of degree n; it is the fixed field of σn. Since HT0(Gal(Σn/Σ),UΣn) vanishes by Proposition 5.1.14, we can find u~,u~iUΣn such that
Since HT1(Gal(Σn/Σ),UΣn) vanishes by Proposition 5.1.14 again, we can find y~UΣn with
and so (because σ=ϕn)
Applying NormG yields
That is, if we set
we have zϕ1=1 and so zUK. Put
using Proposition 5.2.3 we obtain
proving the claim. (Compare [38], Lemma IV.5.4.)


Let g1,g2H be arbitrary and put g3:=g1g2. Let Mi be the fixed field of gi, let πiAMi be a uniformizer of Mi, and put ρi=r(gi)=NormMi/K(πi)AK. Put ρ:=ρ1ρ2/ρ3; note that
which implies that vK(ρ)=0 and hence ρUK. Our goal is to check that ρNormL/KAL; our plan is to rephrase this as a relation among units, to which Lemma 5.2.4 will apply.
We first make an adjustment at the level of group elements. Put G:=Gal(Lunr/Kunr). Choose ϕH such that dK(ϕ)=1. Put di:=dK(gi) and τi:=gi1ϕdiG; then
It will be convenient to replace g1 and τ1 with
so that τ1τ2=τ3. We correspondingly define M1 to be the fixed field of g1 and set π1:=π1ϕn2AM1, noting that NormM1/K(π1)=NormM1/K(π1)=ρ1.
Let N be a finite subextension of Lunr/L containing M1,M2,M3,M1. Set
and u=σ1σ2/σ3UN; by Proposition 5.2.3 we have ρ=NormG(u). By defining
and using the equality τ1τ2=τ3, we compute that
vanishes in H0(G,UN); by Lemma 5.2.4 we obtain NormG(u)NormN/KUN, proving the claim.
Here are some consequences of the construction whose proofs are left to the reader.


Remark 5.2.9.

Note that Proposition 5.2.7 dictates the form of Definition 5.2.1: we want to be able to compute the map r:Gal(L/K)AK/NormL/KAL by first computing the map r:Gal(ML/M)AM/NormML/MAML, which should take Frobenius to a uniformizer (as ML/M is an unramified extension), and then applying NormM/L. We will use this picture again in Lemma 5.3.2.


Exercises Exercises


Under Hypothesis 5.1.12, choose cZ^ and let sL/K be the reciprocity map defined using cd instead of d. Show that sL/K=c1rL/K.


Under Hypothesis 5.1.12, choose cZ^ which acts on im(v), and let sL/K be the reciprocity map defined using cd,cv instead of d,v. Show that sL/K=rL/K.